SANTOSH NURSING COLLEGE, Ghaziabad organized health teaching program on dengue in Santosh hospital. Students of B.Sc. 2nd Sem gave health teachings in Santosh hospital Ghaziabad 3rd floor Medical ward regarding following sub topics - dengue definition and about dengue mosquito, risk factors and causes of dengue , sign and symptoms and diagnosis of dengue fever, it's management, what to eat and what not to eat, myths related to dengue fever and facts, prevention of dengue fever on date 21st November 2023 to the patients attenders. Program was guided by Ms. Kanika Sharma (Assistant Professor) and was enlighten by presence of Ms. Rajeshwari Jeyaraj (Principal), Ms. Deepa (DNS), Ms. Ashu(ANS), Ms. Bhuvanya (Assistant Professor) and ward incahrges. Students were divided in 5 groups. Group 1 taught regarding dengue definition, it's incidence and life cycle of mosquito. Group 2 educated regarding risk factors and cause of dengue. Group C taught regarding sign and symptoms and tests in dengue . Group D taught regarding its management and diet to include and not to include in dengue feve4. Group E educated regarding its prevention. At last, students distributed leaflets for awareness and thank all for presence with refreshments.
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