Health education on family Planning-Santosh Nursing College
Health education on family Planning Programme was done on 20th February 2023 by B.Sc(N) 4th year students at Santosh Hospital, Ghaziabad.The programme started at 11.30am. The programme was conducted in 4th floor at Santosh hospital (Gynaec ward).
Prof. Ms. Rajeshwari Jeyaraj (Principal), Ms.Mahila(AssociateProfessor) Ms.Sunita(NsgTutor), Ms.Deepa(DNS), Ms.Ashu (ANS) attended the programme.
Students participated actively by enacting a role play on Family planning methods through which they had educated the mothers and attenders about importance of Family Planning.The audience were enlightened with the knowledge. The programme ended at 12.15pm.
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