Cancer Awareness Program

On 21st November 2024 students of BSc VIth  Semester has organized a health teaching program on Cancer Awareness in Santosh Hospital,Ghaziabad. The program was organised to the patients and relatives in 8th floor Post Operative Ward. Students participated actively by rendering a small health  talk for patients attendes.The program was honored by the presence of academic dean “Dr. ShalabhGupta”,Principal and faculty of Santosh College of Nursing. Prior permission was taken from Principal, DNS, and management and invitation.s were sent to all by the students under the supervision of respective teachers.Students delivered health talk in 8th floor of Santosh Hospital on 21/11/2024 from 10-10:30 am students were divided in two groups and they presented a small message for all patient attendees in hindi regarding  Cancer and there management and  preventions with AV aids such as charts, pamphlets and leaflets beautifully handmade for the take home messages regarding cancer. Heath talk was narrated and concluded by Mr. Bharat and Ms. Khushikataria (Student). Patient’s relative were also served with refreshments from students as a small token of thanks for their presence. The program went well and appraised by one and all present there.

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